
Jake & Jamie Blair

Jake and Jamie Blair love college students!!! They are so thankful to be here in Vermillion, leading their staff and students closer to Jesus! They love hosting at their home and cooking meals for students! They have a daughter, Eva who will meet you at the door and be happy to make a new friend!


Ian & Hannah Junkermann

Ian and Hannah both graduated in 2016 from Colorado State University. Ian with a Civil Engineering Degree and Hannah with a double major in Psychology and Human Development and Family Studies. Instead of pursuing a career in their fields, they had a specific call from the Lord to do ministry full time. Chi Alpha impacted both of their faith journey so much during college, they joyously serve and help do the same for others. 

You can find Ian and Hannah playing a round of frisbee golf, enjoying some coffee at a local coffee shop, camping, hiking, and adventuring.


Nick Deves

Grew up in Jefferson City, Missouri and graduated with a degree in business from Missouri State University. 

God called me to be a part of the community at Chi Alpha and I have dedicated the next few years to help develop Chi Alpha in South Dakota. 

Gamer, Movie Critic, and Lover of all things Beard.



Jacob Horn

Graduated from Missouri State University with a BS in Criminology. He grew up attending the same church as the Martin and Estrella families, so he was destined to be a part of Chi Alpha somehow. Currently following the call of the Lord with the Blairs and looking forward to more!
Jacob loves any kind of game or movie night, so be ready for community and fun!